NMS Job Shadow Worksheet 2/07/2024
Please answer all questions on this form by Friday, February 16th.  This will count as your excuse for your absence on that day.  Thank you so much for participating in our Job Shadow day!!  I hope you had fun and learned a little bit too!!  ~Mrs. Fail
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Email *
Student First name *
Student Last name *
Grade *
Homeroom teacher *
Who did you shadow? *
What is the name of the business or school they work for? *
What is their job title? *
What are some of their daily responsibilities at work? *
What parts of the job did you find most interesting? *
What parts of the job did you find boring? *
What are some skills you would need to do this job? (Check all that apply) *
Would this be a job that you would be interested in?  Explain why or why not? *
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