2019 Stoked Spoke Submission
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Email *
Welcome back from your journey
Thank you for sharing your adventure. Please answer the questions below. If your route is selected you will receive an email outlining guidelines of your slideshow and some tips on how to prepare for your presentation. Feel free to email Jason (at) builtbyswift.com if you have further questions. Only one route per submission please. Feel free to submit multiple routes!
Name *
Email Address *
Route Overview (max: 1 paragraph) *
Make this worthy of posting on our blog please.
Names of Route or start point and destination *
Total mileage *
Duration of your trip
Link to a digital map generated with Ride With GPS (RWGPS). *
Select a time slot *
Select your top two dates to present. *
This is so that we can schedule people according to availability and route. You have no requirement to present twice unless you care to submit multiple routes.
Untitled Title
Four clear resolution, compelling photos from the ride.
Include a Public URL link or Email images to Jason@builtbyswift.com
Anything to add? *
Always be prepared
Each presenter is asked to

Compile and submit a digital version of your presentation complete with maps and kick-ass photos.
 Slideshows must            be in a Powerpoint formate... Even if you don't like Powerpoint.
Bring a table map or enlarged gazetteer maps with the route clearly highlighted for people to geek-out about.

Be prepared to host an info table to answer logistical questions, gear concerns, navigation inquiries and more.

All presentation summaries and map links will be posted to Swift Industries’ blog.
Seattle Stoked Spoke presenters will receive 20% off Swift Industries products along with free admission for the night of your presentation. Discount code expires May 31, 2019.

All submissions will be reviewed and we will select pitches that create an evening that highlights all sorts of terrain, diverse levels of challenge, and mesmerizing landscapes. Our aim is to aggregate as many adventures that start and end at our Seattle doorsteps as possible, but don’t hold back if you have a kick-ass route from another part of the world.
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