It's time to start planning. 
Are you coming to RWA "Trope Actually" in 2024? It's in Adelaide, and it's going to be awesome. 
Ebony McKenna (that's ME!) will be running the Indie Bookstore again with heaps of helpers.
If you'd like to have your books for sale at the Indie Bookstore, you're in the right place. 
This form will automatically send you a reply email, with all the details in it.

Email *
What is your real name, surname first.
ie, Rees Ebony (the one on your bank account...)
What is your AUTHOR name, surname first.
ie, Oaten Ebony (the one on your books)
If you have multiple author names, please fill a separate form for each. Thank you.
Book Title *
Price of this book *
Next Book Title
Price of this book
Next Book Title
Price of this book
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Price of this book
That's four different books so far. If you have more, please fill out the form again.
What's your email address *
Are you coming to RWA Conference 2024 in Adelaide
(Authors must deliver their books to the indie table, Ebony cannot transport them there or back.)
Your email addy please *
Mobile number so Ebony can contact you (at conference only, it's all good.) *
Payment details (paypal, wise or bank etc) so Ebony can send you money afterwards!
I promise to take my unsold books home. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to .
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