Specter App
Please note that you must be in the Specter Discord server, 18 years old and must achieve the role of Shade (level 10). We look forward to speaking with you!
Пријавите се на Google да бисте сачували напредак. Сазнајте више
Email Address *
Name (First and Last) *
Are you at least 18 years old? *
Discord ID ( Ex. Specter#2018) *
What branch are you looking for? *
What platform(s) do you create content on? *
If you are Twitch or Kick Streamer, are you Affiliate? *
What is the link to your channel, videos, etc.? *
How many followers do you have on your streaming or content creation platform? *
What is your CCV (Concurrent Viewership) on your respective streaming platform? (Must need a 5 CCV to be considered) *
What is your Twitter handle?
When did you start creating content? *
How many hours do you stream during the week or how often do you upload during the week?
How did you hear about Specter?
What are your current plans or goals for your personal content creation moving forward? *
If selected as a member of Specter, are you able to follow basic global rules for interaction like no spam and no negativity? These will be reviewed with you in full during orientation *
By submitting this application you understand: *
Let us know any other comments you believe would be pertinent here!:
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