Design Ventura 2018: Student Survey
Your feedback on your Design Ventura experience is really important to us. By answering the questions below you are helping us find out more about how well the project works and what extra support or resources may be useful for next year.

This survey is being carried out by the Design Museum and Goldsmiths College, University of London.  

Personal details are only collected so that data can be matched up - personal information will not be included or shared in the analysis or in the reporting.  Further information about data protection is available from your teacher.  

Your views really matter, so please answer all questions.

Thank you!

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School Name *
Teacher's name *
Gender *
School Year *
Tell us about your Design Ventura experience *
Very Good
Not very good
Not sure
I didn't do this
I rate the lessons/time when we worked on Design Ventura at school with the teacher as:
I rate the workshop at the Design Museum
I rate the visit to the Design Museum Shop and exhibitions as:
I rate the Design Museum in-school workshops as:
I rate the weekly after school club webinars as
Overall, I rate my Design Ventura experience as:
I rate my experience of learning from Industry Experts (business and design professionals) as
Is learning from an Industry Expert something you have had the chance to do before? *
What did you enjoy the most about Design Ventura? *
What did you find the most challenging about Design Ventura? *
Tell us how the Design Ventura project has helped you with your designing *
It’s helped me a lot
It’s helped me
It’s helped me a little
It hasn’t helped me at all
I’m not sure if it’s helped me
I understand more about how to respond to a design brief:
I am better at explaining my design ideas:
I am better at presenting ideas to others:
I understand more about the business side of design (e.g. costs, marketing, profits):
I understand more about making good business decisions about my designs:
I understand more about how working with others can help achieve more overall:
I understand more about how to get on with others in a team:
I understand more about how team members have their own strengths and weaknesses:
Design Ventura has helped me see what it takes to make my ideas happen:
Tell us how Design Ventura has helped improve your level of confidence and your ambition *
It’s helped me a lot
It’s helped me
It’s helped me a little
It hasn’t helped me at all
I’m not sure if it’s helped me
I think I’m less worried about trying to solve design problems:
It’s helped me understand that mistakes and criticism can be useful as they help you learn and improve:
It’s helped me think about what I can achieve through studying:
I understand more about how I can plan to achieve what I want to:
It’s focused my thinking about what kind of skills I might want to use in my future career:
Tell us a bit more about how Design Ventura has changed your interest in the following skills *
Remained the same
Not sure
My interest in creative skills, such as designing and making has …
My interest in business related skills, such as finance or marketing has ...
It's helped me become interested in other skills (tell us what they are in the next question)...
Other skills I am now interested in are...
Tell us a bit more about what you think about your future *
I think its a good idea to make plans
I strongly agree
I agree
I disagree
I strongly disagree
Not sure
Overall, I feel positive about my future
I think it’s a good idea to make plans for the future
I feel confident I can achieve what I want to
But, if I’m going to do this I know I will need to make a plan
Tell us a bit about how helpful you have found these Design Ventura resources *
This resource helped me a lot
This resource helped me
This resource helped me a little
This resource hasn’t helped me at all
I’m not sure if this resource helped me
I didn't use this resource
Design Ventura website
Tell us which of these Design Ventura resources you were shown by your teacher *
Tell us which of these Design Ventura resources you accessed yourself *
Are there any other Design Ventura resources you would find helpful? *
Is there anything else you would like to tell us about your Design Ventura experience? *
Thank you for completing this questionnaire.
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