Professionals Self Audit: Safeguarding
The purpose of this audit is to determine how well safeguarding of children & young people is embedded and understood by all levels of professionals working with children and families in Croydon.

Please answer honestly, as the information given will help to determine what training and guidance is required to enhance the safeguarding arrangements for everyone working with children and families in Croydon.

Your responses will not be attributed to your email address (this just ensures we can send you a "resume" link if you don't get time to finish the survey in one sitting. You will also get a copy for your own use). 

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Email *
What is your role title (or agency name) *
Do you have responsibility for the safety and wellbeing of children you encounter during your work? 
If you were to have safeguarding concern about a child or young person, who is the safeguarding lead you would speak to?
Tick the answer that most represents your understanding of SAFEGUARDING (
If you use another term (such as vulnerability) please complete the rest of this form interchanging ‘safeguarding’ and the ‘other term’ you use.

You have a safeguarding concern about a child or young person, what would you do? (you can tick all that apply) 
Where, in your organisation, could you find guidance on safeguarding children? (You can tick more than one)
When should you seek consent from a parent/guardian before making a referral? (You can tick more than one) 
Your safeguarding lead/manager disagrees with your recommendations, what happens next
Do you know what the LADO does?  (please state if you answer "yes")

What opportunities are there for you to discuss any safeguarding concerns you have? 
Describe a Safeguarding strength in your workplace
Describe an area for improvement in safeguarding practice in your workplace
When was the last time you attended safeguarding training (face to face training or online training) 
Can you name the safeguarding course(s) you have attended (on line or in person) - in the last 3 years? (if you attended any)
Did the last training session you did, make a difference to the way you carry out your work? 
What safeguarding courses would you like?  
On a scale of 1-10 (10 being fully satisfied) please indicate your satisfaction in the quality of safeguarding training available to you 
Not Satisfied at all
Fully Satisfied
What is the reason(s) for your answer above? 
On a scale of 1-10 (10 being fully confident) please indicate your confidence level in YOUR ability to fulfil your child and young person Safeguarding responsibilities 
Not confident at all
Fully confident
 What is the reason(s) for your answer above? 
On a scale of 1-10 (10 being fully confident) please indicate your confidence level in your WORKPLACE’s ability to fulfil child and young people Safeguarding responsibilities 
Not confident at all
Fully confident
What is the reason(s) for your answer above? 
On a scale of 1-10 (one NOT confident), how confident are you about the data/information you share with other agencies?
Not confident at all
Fully confident
Thinking about the data and information you share with other agencies, which is the most relevant statement
Do you use the London Multi-Agency Safeguarding Data Sharing Agreement?
Do your read the CSCP Briefings and one page summaries about Safeguarding Practice Reviews (See link here
Have you ever attended a CSCP Learning Event? 
Do you subscribe to the CSCP Newsletter?  Click here to subscribe

Do you know about the CSCP CSCP Escalation & Resolution Policy? *
What difference (if any) has completing this audit made to your attitude or understanding of Safeguarding? 
Can we contact you about any of your answers? *
The Croydon Safeguarding Children’s Partnership has a statutory requirement to ensure that commissioners of children’s services and all agencies with frontline contact with children have suitable safeguarding arrangements in place. Your involvement in this audit is part of that process and we thank you for your time and effort completing it. 

 If you have any other comments or suggestions on how we can improve this process, we would be keen for you to include it here. 
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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