Pitch Us | Paradigm Shift Capital
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Tell us about yourself and the team (Your name, cofounders' name) *
Your email *
Your startup's name and high level pitch (keep the pitch under 150 words) *
Your startup's website *
Equity/token split between the Founding Team *
Add the link to your pitch deck (Deck should cover vision, problem, solution, TAM, why this team, etc.) *
What's your current stage? *
Have you incorporated? If yes, where? *
What best describes your industry? (SaaS, Blockchain/web3, AR/VR, AI, CleanTech, etc) *
What is the round size you are currently raising? *
For the current round, please specify details around commits and valuation *
Have you fundraised in the past? If yes, please specify details *
How did you hear about us? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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