ASIFA Volunteer Application Form
Thank you for your interest in becoming an ASIFA Atlanta Volunteer! We are excited to meet you and to get you all excited for the upcoming events for the 2013 schedule. Please complete the series of questions below so we can better get to know you and schedule you accordingly.

Jeanette Gregory
ASIFA Volunteer Coordinator

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Name *
Email Address *
Verify Email Address: *
Primary Phone Number *
Home Address: *
Emergency Contact  Name / Relation *
Emergency Contact  Phone Number *
You don’t have to be an animator to help with animation events!
* Though we can't thank you enough, we will sure try! Credit will be given to each volunteer on the event reel.
Please Mark each Even you are interested in volunteering for:
Select all that apply.
Most events are in the evening, but not always.
At which times do you most often have avaiablability? *
(checl all that apply)
*A year of free membership is applied to the Specialty Level of ASIFA's volunteer roles!
For those with even shinier pennies, we'd like to offer the following opportunities for our Specialty Level Volunteers:
(check all that apply)
Please help us to get to know you a little better, and to know where your skill sets will be best suited.
Who is your favorite cartoon character of all time?
Just chose one please.
What’s your favorite animation series at the moment?
Just chose one please.
Have you volunteered with any other organizations?
If so, which ones?
Are you 21 years of age or older? *
Do you have a valid driver’s license? *
Please indicate your computer skills and working software knowledge:
Please indicate your customer service related skills / experience:
Please indicate any other special skills, qualifications or anything else about yourself:
ASIFA Volunteer Policies:
1) All volunteer positions play an important role in festival success. We will make every effort to accommodate your position preferences; however, this may not always be possible. Volunteers may be asked to change posted positions or take on different responsibilities. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding. 2) Volunteer’s information will not be shared, or traded outside of the ASIFA and is used for the sole purpose of contacting individuals for shifts or updates.
Volunteer Name *
Confirming read
Volunteer Signature Confirmation *
Date *
Additional Comments or Requests:
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