Educator Licensure Question, Comment or Concern Form
Use this form to submit your questions, comments or concerns to the Bureau of Educator Licensure. We will do your best to respond as quickly as possible.
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1. First Name *
Enter your first name.
2. Last Name *
Enter your last name
3. Email Address *
Enter your email address. Email address must be in a valid format, e.g. ""
4. Re-enter Email Address *
Must match email provided in question 3.
5. Folder Number (optional)
Enter your Iowa license folder number, if you have one. If you don't, proceed to the next question.
6. Subject *
Enter the subject of your message.
7. Message *
Enter your message.
8. Telephone Number *
Enter 10 digit phone number - no spaces, no special characters (ex. 5152425988)
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