2025-26 Norwalk 4 Year Old Universal Preschool Program Request Form
This form serves as the PROGRAM REQUEST form for Norwalk's Community Universal Preschool Program which provides free preschool to eligible 4 year olds (age 4 on September 15th, 2025).  This form is step ONE of TWO required sign-ups. Completion of this form does not constitute a completed registration for any program.

The information from this form will be used to schedule students into one of our four universal preschool providers:  Lil' Hands, Big Dreams; Norwalk Christian Academy; Oviatt Preschool; Serendipity.  You will be contacted with the response to your program request within two weeks of submitting this form.
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Note: Your student must be 4 years old on September 15th, 2025 to qualify for tuition-free universal preschool in the 2025-26 school year.

If your child will be 5 years old on September 15th, 2025, they are not eligible for universal preschool.  You can either register them for Kindergarten with Norwalk Schools or you can seek out a 5 year old program from a private provider.
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