Openingsparty Bajesdorp RSVP
After years of preperation the time has come!  Bajesdorp will have it's official opening on 29 of september 2024. Starting time 14:00, music stops at 00:30. The program will be announced soon. Please RSVP if you want to join this party 🙌

Na jaren van voorbereiding is het zover!  Bajesdorp zal op 29 september 2024 officieel geopend worden. Aanvangstijd 14:00, muziek stopt om 00:30. Het programma wordt binnenkort bekend gemaakt. Laat je ons weten of je er bij kan zijn?

Wat is je naam? Tell us your name!
What is your email address?
 Ben je erbij? Are you there? *
Eet je mee? Joining the dinner? (18:00 - 19:00) If you want to join dinner with more people please let us know. *dinner will be vegan
Want to join the preparations or help on the day itself?
Hope to see you! 
♥ all the Bajesdorp members 

* Illustration of the bajesdorp birds (top of page) made by Maia Matches
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