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NCAE-NBCT Caucus Membership Form
Please fill out all of the required fields below.
Please make checks payable to NCAE-NBCT Caucus:
Mail to: Beverly Witherspoon
658 Salem Springs Dr.
Winston Salem, NC 27017
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* Indicates required question
First Name
Your answer
Last Name
Your answer
Home Address
Your answer
Your answer
Zip Code
Your answer
Email address
Your answer
Contact Number
Your answer
School System
Your answer
Membership Year
Membership dues are $15.00 per membership year for NBCTs and $10.00 for non-NBCTs. Membership year renews September 1st annually or when activated.
What is your certificate area?
I am not an NBCT
Art - Early Adolescent through Young Adult
Art- Early and Middle childhood
Career and Technical Education
English as a New Language - Early Adolescence through Young Adult
English as a New Language - Early and Middle Childhood
ELA - Adolescence and Young Adult
ELA - Early Adolescence
Exceptional Needs Specialist - Early Childhood through Young Adult
Generalist - Early Childhood
Generalist - Middle Childhood
Health Education - Early Adolescence through Young Adult
Library Media - Early Childhood through Young Adult
Literacy: Reading-LA - Early and Middle Chidhood
Mathematics - Adolescence and Young Adult
Mathematics - Early Adolescence
Music - Early Adolescence through Young Adult
Music - Early and Middle Childhood
PE - Early Adolescence through Young Adult
PE - Early and Middle Childhood
School Counseling - Early Childhood through Young Adult
Science - Adolescence and Young Adult
Science - Early Adolescence
Social Studies-History - Adolescence through Young Adult
Social Studies-History - Early Adolescence
World Languages - Early Adolescence through Young Adult
Have you had NBPTS Candidate Support Provider Training or NCAE Candidate Centered Support Training?
I have had NBPTS Candidate Support Provider Training.
I have had NCAE Candidate Centered Support Training.
I have had both.
I have not had any training for Candidate Support.
Are you a Candidate Support Provider?
I don't know.
I am not an NBCT.
Have you had National Board Certification Advocacy Training?
I don't know.
I am not an NBCT.
Are you a Political Action Committee (PAC) supporter?
I don't know
Do you cyberlobby?
No, but I would like more information.
No, I am not interested.
I am a Public Education Activist
Please check all that apply.
Yes, in my local
Yes, at the state level
Yes, at the national level
Not yet, but I would like to me more involved
No, I am not interested
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