In partnership with the
Ultipack, a new backpack designed specifically for ultimate frisbee players and the official sponsor of the Salt Lake Shred, Lone Peak Ultimate is excited to offer all families an opportunity to purchase the Ultipack at special bulk pricing of $30 off retail price.
Each family has 2 options:
OPTION 1: Get $30 OFF your purchase of each Lone Peak branded Black and White Ultipack with Lone Peak Ultimate logo (expected delivery date of Spring 2024), cost: $105.00 ($100.00 +$5.00 logo). Please fill out the form below if you intend to purchase one or more of the Lone Peak Ultipacks. Payment should be sent by Venmo to @LPUltimate ( Renderings of the pack can be seen below. NOTE: Orders for Lone Peak branded Ultipacks will close on December 22nd, 2023 at 11:00pm. This is a HARD deadline.
24% OFF (>$30 OFF) your purchase of a
non-branded Ultipack, cost per Ultipack: $98.76 (available immediately). Please follow
this link to redeem your coupon for a non-branded Ultipack. Both Orange/Black and White/Black are available without the LPU logo. Please
order by December 16th if you want it as a Christmas gift and use code LONEPEAKULTIMATE at checkout. Expedited shipping also available at additional cost. Discount code will expire December 31.