PowerSchool Request
Parents can request that a PowerSchool account be set up so that they can monitor grades, attendance, and account balances among other things.

The Crest U.S.D. 479 Technology Department handles these requests and will process them in a very timely manner. To make the process easier for all parties, parents are asked to fill out this form, which when submitted, will begin the process.

Once your request is received, please wait for a response from the school via the email that you provide on the form.

**Please note: If the email provided here does not match an email provided to the school during enrollment, or an email otherwise on file, you may receive a call from the school to verify your identity.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Select the option that applies to your situation
Please note that all of your account information will be sent if you specify that you need your password reset. This includes your username if you have forgotten it as well.
Parent / Guardian Name *
Please enter your full name.
Parent / Guardian Email Address *
Please enter your email address (your login information will be sent to this address).
Parent / Guardian Phone Number *
Please enter your phone number.
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