Re-Registration for Photo Story Workshop
This is a workshop to help persons in recovery from a mental health condition, to be able to share their recovery journey in pictures.  There will be photography enthusiasts to help the peers enhance the pictures taken; and peer-support specialist to assist with a short written narrative.
This workshop will be held over 6 sessions, each with a different theme.  Exact venue will be advised upon registration confirmation.
Schedule: Tuesdays': Mar 24th, Apr 14th, Apr 28th, May 12th, May 26th, Jun 9th (Timings are 7pm - 830pm)
The resulting effort may be an exhibition to the public, as a public awareness and anti-stigma effort.
* Priority will be given to peers, persons in recovery.
++ Photographs during the workshop will be taken for our marketing and social media purposes.
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Mobile #: *
1. Please re-register me for this workshop, I'm OK with the revised dates: Tuesdays'- Mar 24th, Apr 14th, Apr 28th, May 12th, May 26th, Jun 9th *
2. Any other things you would like to share?
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