Being an Effective Team Member
This lesson was taken from the Power for Youth Worksheet #45 and aligned with ALS Learning Strand 5: Understanding the Self and Society.
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Desired Competency
Use interpersonal and problem-solving skills to influence and guide others toward a goal
Learning Intent
Identify and model the characteristics of an effective and cooperative team member
Value Emphasis
Cooperation and Collaboration
For ALS Teacher's Reference
These competencies were mapped against:
- LS5US-IF-PSB-LE-B.14: Use interpersonal and problem-solving skills to influence and guide others toward a goal
- MYDEV Module No. 2: Interpersonal Communication Session No. 2, Activity No. 7
Mindanao youth for development project (2016). Module 2: Interpersonal communication, MyDevLife skills curriculum, pp. 24-32
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