Course Completion Survey
At NorthStar we are driven to save lives and are committed to our students training to get them comfortable on the roadway. Please rate your experience with this short survey. We respect your privacy. Your feedback is confidential and anonymous and will only be used by management to optimize NorthStar Driving Instruction.
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Please indicate if you are the: *
From your course start date to the day you were signed off by an instructor for course completion, how satisfied were you with the length of time it took to complete your drivers education with NorthStar? *
Not at all satisified
Extremely satisfied
During the course of time spent with NorthStar to earn a driver's license, how satisfied were you with our means of communication: website information, emails, phone calls, etc? *
Not at all satisfied
Extremely satisfied
How satisfied were you with our customer service? *
Not at all satisfied
Extremely satisfied
How well did you feel your one-on-one drive training instruction prepared you/your child for the roadway? *
Not at all prepared
Extremely prepared
How well did you feel the the class sessions informed and prepared you/your child for driving on the roadway? *
Not at all prepared
Extremely prepared
If NorthStar were to have incorporated a text message reminder feature for scheduling updates regarding drive lessons and class sessions, how beneficial would this feature have been to you? *
Not at all beneficial, not necessary
Extremely beneficial
Do you have any suggestions, comments or concerns? Please indicate them here.
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