Pick one or more areas of ministry to get involved in:
Slides preparation:
Prepare beforehand all the slides needed for our worship service - call to worship, psalm-reading, song lyrics.
Slides projection:
On Sunday morning, set up the laptop & turn on TVs for slides projection. Then, throughout the service, guide the congregation by clicking through the slides.
Vocalist, Musician, Sound system:
Assist in leading the youths in worship. Commitment required to learn the songs beforehand and attend practices on Friday night (7.30pm - 10pm) & Sunday morning (7.30am - 8.30am).
Take photos before & during the youth service to capture the life of SOS.
Scripture Reader:
Lead the youths in reading the preaching text of the day.
Group Discussion Facilitator:
Lead small group discussions after the sermon to build connection.
Social Media:
Provide encouragement & reminders to our Instagram followers during the week.
Event management:
Plan & organize extra events to facilitate friendship building and opportunities for unchurched friends to connect with us. E.g. Hiking / Captain ball, Easter / Christmas party, youth camp...
Preteen class:
Assist in facilitating a monthly bible class with the 12-year-olds in Sunday School. Connect with them for a smooth transition into youth ministry.
Sunday School band:
Assist in leading children in worship through singing, playing instrument, or leading action songs.
Welcome Team:
Assist in welcoming youths by hosting board games, chatting and/or filling up the newcomers form with them. Training will be given beforehand.