c3powersportsUSA.com product availability survey
Thanks for expressing interest in C3 products!

You were shopping on c3powersportsUSA.com but one of the products you wanted wasn't available? Let us know!

  • NOTE: Filling this survey is NOT considered placing an order.
  • NOTE: Filling this survey does NOT mean that we are going to stock the products you requested in our Idaho warehouse.
  • NOTE: We will NOT be following up with survey respondents, even if we do decide to add new products to our USA catalogue. 
  • NOTE: Please DON'T follow up with us to ask "Hey I filled out that survey a month ago, did you get around to carrying CABA1244RED in Idaho yet?".
  • NOTE: This is not a customer service contact form. If you have other questions, for instance about your order or about our products, please email info@c3powersports.com

All that to say, this survey isn't really to benefit you, but future customers who may be in your position!

Thanks for your understanding! We do appreciate the feedback
Name *
Parts you wish were on c3powersportsUSA.com *
Please build the item on c3powersporrts.com and paste the specific part number / SKU. 

If you have more than 1 part to mention, please enter them all in this box, separated by spaces and/or commas.
  • Good example: "CABA1244RED, CDAST-24MC450F-MM" ✅
  • Bad example: "red risers and gasgas ecu" ❌
If you have more than 1 part to mention, please enter them all in this box, separated by spaces and/or commas.
I have read the above  *
Anything else you want to share?
Thanks and have a great day
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