Personal & Professional Testimonials for Lisa Stringfellow
Hello, friends! I'm updating my professional portfolio and I would love to include references from you. Including testimonials is an important part of a well-rounded portfolio and I sincerely appreciate the time you take to complete this survey. As always, I am looking for honest and candid feedback. Thank you and I would be happy to return the favor :) --Lisa
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Your Name
Email Address
Twitter Handle
If Applicable
Do you have a picture or logo I may use with your testimonial?  If so, please email it to me at
Where do you work?  What do you do?
What type of testimonial are you providing?
Accolades and constructive criticism of my work, our working relationship, links to work we have done together, etc.
Permission to use testimonial
Please select the information that I may publish on my site (
May I refer others to you if they would like more information about my work?
i.e. May I use you as a personal/professional reference?
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