CPC Communications Survey
We appreciate you for taking a few moments to fill out this survey. Your feedback will help us make improvements to our communications at CPC! 
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What are the 2 most typical ways you find out about church events?
On a scale of 1-10, how well do you feel informed about the various programs and ministries at our church?
Least Informed
Most Informed
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Which communication channel do you prefer as the most effective way to receive information?
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Which communication channel do you find is the least effective way to receive information?
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Throughout the week, do you feel like you receive too much, too little, or an appropriate amount of communication from CPC?
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On Sunday mornings, do you feel like you receive too much, too little, or an appropriate amount of communication from CPC?
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At there any other specific types of content you'd like to see more of?
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To access a link for more information, do you prefer scanning a QR code or typing the web address?
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How would you feel if CPC had a mobile App to centralize quick access to Announcements, Event Registrations, Church Directory... etc? 
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What improvements, if any, in communication would you suggest?
What best describes you?
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If you worship with us on Sundays, when and where do you most often attend?
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Would you mind sharing your age bracket?
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This form was created inside of Centreville Presbyterian Church. Report Abuse