EST Form (new member and renewal)
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Payment Details
The payment details will be provided once you click submit. But you can find them here too:

What do you want to do today? *
Your family name [comma] your given name  (e.g.: Smits, John D.) *
Your email address: *
Your institutional affiliation (university, company, or other affiliation) *
Your homepage, webpage or blog
Your country of permanent residence *
Your full contact address
Your fields of research or scholarly interest
Preferred method of payment *
Payment preference *
Would you like your email and address to appear in the membership directory in the EST Intranet and your name and affiliation to appear on the website? *
Thank your interest in becoming a member. Please note that our normal period for new and renewing memberships is January to March each year. The treasurer checks all accounts at the beginning of each month.
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