0G Testnet Newton Validator Application
Yay, it's exciting! I heard you want to become a 0G validator. 
Please follow this survey below to apply for this role with 0G universe. ;) 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Discord id (Fill the text under your profile name instead of the id number) *
Validator address (Fill your 0g account which starts with 0gvaloper) *
Instance capacity

(Include CPU cores, RAM size, Disk Size, Network Bandwidth, Number of instances, etc)
Current/past network activities

(If you are participating or have participated in other networks' mainnet/testnet, please include detailed information here, e.g. network name, testnet/mainnet, your validator address, etc)
Organization website (if applicable)
Validator public RPC Endpoint

(Add :port if you have custom port. Separate each endpoint by ',' if you have multiple endpoints)
Storage node public IP address

(Add :port if you have custom port. Separate each endpoint by ',' if you have multiple endpoints)
Storage KV public IP address

(Add :port if you have custom port. Separate each endpoint by ',' if you have multiple endpoints)
Your contributions to the community, including explorer, documentation, snapshot
Have you developed any applications on top of 0G or Storage services? Include your app's information link
Have you shared 0G on social media? include your links
Any bugs or PRs that you post to our code repositories? (You can include discord tickets)
Are you interested in long term collaboration?
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Any feedback you want to share with 0G team?
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