2021 Survey - Tell Us What You Want!
As we begin planning for the 2021 season, we strive to constantly improve and find ways to better serve you and all of our customers.  We appreciate you taking the time to provide input to us so we can make the 2021 season better than ever.  Fresh Card holders will receive 15 points on their balance for taking the time to complete the survey.  To prevent malicious cyber activity, this survey requires an email address...
Email *
If you have a Fresh Card, please enter the number below.  If you would like to sign up for our Fresh Card Rewards Program, please visit https://www.lonemaplefarm.com/freshcard/
Did you shop online or at Lone Maple Farm during the 2020 season? *
Do plan on shopping at Lone Maple Farm (online or in person) during the 2021 season (May 1st to October 31st)? *
Please tell us why you answered Yes/No/Maybe to the question above...
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