MITRA membership form & questionnaire
Please fill in the information below to become or confirm your membership in the IMISCOE standing committee on Migrant Transnationalism (MITRA).

Membership in MITRA is possible for anyone who has a research interest in migrant transnationalism, and who is primarily working within an academic institution. PhD students are warmly encouraged to join. As a member you are encouraged to participate at MITRA events, where you could participate, or help spread news about these to relevant colleagues and post-graduate students.

The information you enter in this form will be used in the context of the IMISCOE standing committee MITRA, to target and improve our activities. Should you wish to withdraw information which you submit, you are of course free to do so, please get in touch by email ( in this event.

Email *
Name *
Email *
Institutional affiliation *
If you are on Twitter, please provide your Twitter-handle here (and please follow MITRA on Twitter):
Please indicate your main discipline *
Position *
If you are a PhD student, please briefly say something about your Doctoral research project - working title, geographic scope, types of data, key question(s).
If you are a PhD student, please indicate which year you are in (approximately)?
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Please briefly state why you wish to become/remain a member of MITRA? *
How central is 'migrant transnationalism' to your research agenda at present? *
Which geographic region is your research (relevant to 'migrant transnationalism') focused on? *
How interested are you in the following research 'themes' where migrant transnationalism can be seen as central or relevant? (please respond in each row) *
Very strong interest
Fairly strong interest
Not that interested
Not at all interested
The transnational social field
External voting & political transnationalism
"Social remittances" (and cultural circulation)
Transnational families
States diaspora policies
Diaspora humanitarianism
Transnationalism beyond migrants
Interactions of migrant transnationalism & integration
Return visits & mobilities
Religion & transnationalism
Diaspora entrepreneurship
The role of ICTs in migrant transnationalism
Transnational networks as migration brokers
Transnationalism & migrant identities
Dual citizenship
In case the above do not adequately reflect your research interests in migrant transnationalism, please elaborate on further dimensions:
How interested are you in the following - as research focus or unit of analysis: *
Very strong interest
Fairly strong interest
Not that interested
Not at all interested
Migrants in countries of settlement
Migrant relatives in countries of origin
Population beyond migrant relatives in origin countries
Populations beyond migrants in settlement societies
Anyone anywhere, potentially, engaging in transnational living
The transnational flows and circulation in their own right
The state
Transnationalism beyond 'origin' & 'destination' only
In case the above do not adequately reflect relevant research foci or units of analysis, please elaborate on further dimensions:
If you're currently working on research ongoing projects where 'migrant transnationalism' is among central foci, please share their titles & links to webpages.
If you've recently published a journal article, book chapter or book which speaks directly to questions of 'migrant transnationalism' please share the title & and a link. (By recent, we refer to the period: 2019-2021)
Please share 1-3 hopes you have about what MITRA might offer you and the migration research community? *
Please offer an idea or two about how you might contribute to making MITRA what you'd hope it could be? *
Are you based at an IMISCOE member institution? *
Are you individually an IMISCOE member? *
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