2023-2024 Klein UMC Youth Choir
Please complete registration for Youth Choir!
We will meet in the Choir Room from 12:30-1:30 starting on September 10th with LUNCH served right after church each week.

So excited for the great year ahead!!


-Dec 2nd (Sat 9-10:30 am) - Christmas Concert Dress Rehearsal
-Dec 3rd (Sun 6:00 pm) - Christmas Concert
-April 14 - Youth Spaghetti Dinner and singing in worship
-May 2 - Senior Sunday

-We will sing in worship 2-3 times this year in addition to these dates- we will poll the choir at rehearsal to check on availability.

CHOIR TOUR dates are June 2-9, 2024 to New Mexico! 

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Youth's First Name *
Youth's Last Name *
Youth's Cell Phone Number *
for text and contact for announcements
Youth email (if you check it)
Parent's Name *
Parent's Phone Number *
phone number to call during rehearsals if needed and send text messages
Parent Email *
Secondary Parent's Name
Secondary Parent's Phone Number
Secondary Parent's Email
T-shirt Size *
Grade in School *
Eligible Youth are grades 6-12
School youth attends? *
List any other fine arts activities you are involved in
Simply for my information :)
Are you interested in sharing lunch together from 12:00-12:30 before rehearsal? 
*we will order food and ask for donation $ to cover the cost each week. Please rsvo each week so that I don't get too much food.
Is there anything that would be helpful for me to know about you?
I authorize Klein Youth Ministry to photograph or videotape my youth during church activities or special events for use on the Klein UMC website or Klein Youth Ministry Facebook page. No names will be used. *
Release of Liability
KUMC MEDICAL AND LIABILITY RELEASE AND HOLD HARMLESS (YOUTH - UNDER 18)  STATE OF TEXAS §  COUNTY OF HARRIS             §  I, the above listed Parent or Guardian make this Medical Power of Attorney and Liability Release and Hold Harmless Agreement on behalf of the above listed minor child, in anticipation of my child's participation in the activities of Klein United Methodist Church ("KUMC"), for the event registered.  It is my expectation that my child is and/or will be participating in activities of KUMC, which may include KUMC Youth, Choir, Nursery, Weekday Ministries, Sunday School or other Sunday morning events, and/or any other activities which may occur on or off the KUMC premises, including transportation to and from off premises activities ("KUMC Activities"). In consideration of my child taking part in KUMC Activities, I agree as follows: 1. MEDICAL/POWER OF ATTORNEY ("POA")FOR MINOR CHILD: During the dates identified in this document I recognize that there may be times when my child is participating in a KUMC Activity and I may be unavailable to render decisions on behalf of or care for my child. I, therefore, appoint ANY CLERGY OR STAFF MEMBER of KUMC as my true and lawful attorneys ("my attorney") to do every act and exercise every power that I may or can do or exercise on behalf of my child, and grant my attorney the power to do everything, in my attorney's sole discretion, that may be proper expedient or advisable, and for all intents and purposes, as I might or could do personally, until such time as my unavailability shall end. Without limiting the authority granted, I specifically grant my attorney the authority to seek, obtain, authorize, give, or otherwise get medical, health, dental, and/or emergency care for my child as may be necessary during my unavailability. 2. RELEASE AND HOLD HARMLESS RELATED TO PARTICIPATION AND POA: I (individually and as parent, next friend, or legal guardian) release, indemnify, defend, and forever discharge and hold harmless ("Release") KUMC, its clergy, staff, employees, sponsors, chaperones. volunteers, and committee members individually and in any representative capacity (referred to as "Released Parties" in this document) of and from any and all claims, demands, liability, suits, injuries (including death), attorney's fees, expenses, costs, causes of action, judgments or awards of any kind or character ("Loss") which may accrue because of, arise out of or exist on account of my child's participation in KUMC Activities, or in any way connected with this POA or care given or obtained by and/or through it for my child.   This Power of Attorney and Release shall be valid for the registered event.
Release of Liability *
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