I love my money and it loves me
How much do you currently love your money?

There are no right or wrong answers, just answer truthfully and from the heart.  You will get your own personal score on the final page. This form is collecting email addresses that allow me to serve you better.
Email me at any stage if you would like your responses deleted, askpru@prudencemoneypenny.com

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0 points
Aoife Gaffney - Prudence Moneypenny Coaching, Certified Money Coach & Author.  Empowering women to take control of their financial freedom
1. Do you know how much you spent last month and what you spent your money on, approximately? *
1 point
2. Do you know how much you money you earned last month, approximately? *
1 point
3. Do you know much you have in savings and where those savings are? *
1 point
4. Do you know how much interest you are getting on your savings, if any? *
1 point
5. Are you planning for retirement? *
1 point
6. Do you pay yourself first? *
1 point
7. Do you know what an investment is? *
1 point
8. Do you have any investments? *
1 point
9. Do you understand your investments? *
1 point
10. Do you know where all your money is coming from at the moment? *
1 point
11. Do you know how much you are currently earning, before tax? *
1 point
12. Do you feel you are earning what you are worth? *
1 point
13. Do you feel comfortable talking about money with your family? *
1 point
14. Without cheating, do you know how much is in your bank account/wallet/purse right now? *
1 point
15. Do you know where all your money goes? *
1 point
16. Do you spend money consciously by making a spending plan in advance? *
1 point
17. Do you enjoy doing “money stuff”?  This could be checking your bank statements, organising paperwork or sorting receipts. *
1 point
18. Have you ever taken a quiz like this before? *
1 point
19. Have you ever taken one of my money magic classes or something similar? *
1 point
20. Do you feel safe when you think about your financial future? *
1 point
21. Do you set money goals at the beginning of each year/month/week? *
1 point
22. Do you track what you spend? *
1 point
23. Have you ever started a business or had a side hustle? *
1 point
24. Do money worries keep you awake at night? *
1 point
25. Do you believe people who are wealthy are not as nice as people with less money? *
1 point
26. Have you ever argued with a family member or friend about money? *
1 point
27. Do you have credit card debt? *
1 point
28. Do you stress about bills, bank statements and other letters like letters from Revenue or tax office? *
1 point
29. Do you feel that earning large amounts of money is not for people like you? *
1 point
30. Do you resist spending money on yourself, always putting other people or other things first? *
1 point
31. Do you feel stressed if you spend what you think is a large amount of money? *
1 point
Name *
Email address *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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