Market Survey for ObstaSense
Dear Sir/Madam,

We are students from the Southern University College of Johor in Malaysia, conducting a market survey to collect feedback from the visually impaired to assist us in developing an assistive technology system specifically for the visually impaired.

Our main goal is to create a wearable early obstacle avoidance system that helps visually impaired people to navigate more easily.

Our project involves the development of a device that is worn on the head of a visually impaired individual and allows the individual to move freely and confidently without the need for assistance from others.

Your feedback helps us to improve this product that can meet your needs. Thank you for participating.

If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at:

Email : (Ng Khai Le)

Whatsapp : 0127187035 (Ng Khai Le)

Phone Number: 0127187035 (Ng Khai Le)
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Name of institution
Vision Level
Do you currently use any aids? (Select all that apply)

If this vision aid device is made, it will provide the visually impaired the freedom and confidence to move without the need for assistance from others. Which of the following features is important to you?  (please select the appropriate one)

Captionless Image
Would you be interested in buying the device if it becomes available?

How much are you willing to spend to acquire/buy the device?


If this vision-assisted device is created, what criteria, features, or needs you expect to have?

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