We encourage you to print out the application and review the questions, and take your time to prepare your thoughtful responses using MS Word or something similar. This will make it easy for you to spell- check and monitor your character count, etc. Once you have completed your responses, return to the online application and copy/paste your responses into the appropriate fields.
NOTE: Please pay close attention to the character/word limits that have been placed on responses. You may NOT exceed the maximum number of characters permitted for any response. Pay particular attention when you copy and paste, to make sure your entire response has been entered into the space allowed.
ALL applications MUST be submitted by 11:59 PM (your local time) on Friday, May 31, 2024. Extensions will not be granted. We anticipate notifying applicants of their status by mid-late August 2024. Those fully supported by their institution or self-funding will be notified by August 1 of their status.
NOTE: While we anticipate NSF will continue support of the ACEAP program, NSF funding has not yet been secured.
Please direct questions to Yasmin Catricheo at
ycatricheo@aui.edu or to Tiffany Stone Wolbrecht at
twolbrecht@aui.edu ACEAP Social media channels:
Website -
https://astroambassadors.org Facebook - https://
www.facebook.com/AstronomyAmbassadorsProgram Instagram - @astroambassadors
NOTE: Visit us on Facebook to see what happened last year, and learn about the outreach activities previous ACEAP Ambassadors have conducted.
ACEAP 2024 - Institution/Self-funding Application:
Individuals requesting to join the expedition as one of the four Ambassadors fully funded by their institution and/or personal funds must complete this abbreviated application, and be prepared to provide a $1,000 non-refundable deposit. These abbreviated applications will go through an expedited review process to confirm eligibility, and the five slots will be filled on a first come-first serve basis.
The total cost (less RT airfare to Santiago) for an institutional or self-funded Ambassador will be $4600 USD. Please note that upon completion of your outreach activities, you will receive a $500 stipend, bringing the total cost down to $4100.