Adoption Application
Contact Information
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Name- Last, Middle, First *
Date of birth *
Phone number *
Email address
Home Address *
Do you rent or own? *
If you rent please provide your landlord's contact information.NOTE- Your application can NOT be processed if you rent and do not provide this information. You may email the rescue proof that your landlord allows pets.
How long have you been at this address? *
Have you ever been convicted of an animal related crime *
Please list all persons (including children) currently living in your home, along with their ages. *
Is everyone in the home in agreement about adopting a dog? *
What describes your household? *
Does anyone in your household have a known allergy to dogs?
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Pets - Please list all pets living in your household. Please include the name, age, breed
Are all of these pets spayed/neutered- if not, please explain why. *
Are all of these pets up to date on their vaccinations? If not, please explain why *
Please list your current vet
Have you ever surrendered a dog? *
How do you discipline your pets and why?
Under what circumstances would you surrender a  dog. *
Please describe your ideal dog
If there is a specific dog/dogs you are interested, please list their name/names below
How do you plan on exercising your pet *
Do you plan on using a heartworm preventative? *
where will the dog be kept during the day? *
Where do you plan on keeping your dog at night? *
Number of hours (average) dog will spend alone *
Who will be the dog's primary caretaker? *
Do you agree to keep the dog as an indoor dog? *
Would you be willing to let a representative of Sugar River Rescue visit your home by appointment? __Yes    __No *
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