Scalar 2024 Call for Papers is open now!
Hello Scalarians!

Now is your chance to take the stage of next year's Scalar conference!

We're waiting for YOUR talk! There's a couple of talk categories that we are particularly interested in:
* Scala use-cases
* Functional programming, type safety
* Distributed systems, concurrency
* Web & everyday libraries
* Data engineering, big data, streaming & databases
* Scala for machine learning and AI
* Tooling, developer experience
* Teaching Scala and FP, building communities

But if you have another proposition, we'll be happy to review it! You can suggest up to 3 talk ideas. Sessions are 30 min. including Q&A.

The deadline is 14 Jan 2024 (CET). In case of any questions or doubts, just write to us:

In case of any questions or doubts, just write to us: scalar@scalar-conf.comMore about the conference: You might also want to get familiar with our Speaker Policy.
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Email *
Title of the presentation *
Abstract *
Try to keep this one short. What will your presentation be mainly about? 

This will be published in the agenda.
Longer description (optional)
Here you can describe what you'll be presenting in more detail.

This will be only visible to the Program Commitee.
Presenter name(s) *
Presenter bio(s) *
Email address *
Additional info
Want to share something else with us? Here is the spot!
Target audience level *
Our Terms and Privacy Policy *
I hereby accept the Privacy Policy and the Terms of Service of the Scalar Conference and agree to comply with the rights and obligations which arise under these regulations.
Processing of personal data *
I hereby grant consent for the processing of my personal data by SoftwareMill SA registered under: District Court for the City of Warsaw, XII Economic Division, KRS no. 537126, address ul. Na uboczu 8/87, 02-792 Warsaw (the Organizer) - as required under the GDPR (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) and as required by the Polish Personal Data Protection Act (Ustawa z dnia 10 maja 2018 roku o ochronie danych osobowych Dz. U. 2018 poz. 1000) - for the purposes of organizing the Scalar Conference and enabling my participation - as indicated in detail in the Privacy Policy and the Terms of Service of the Scalar Conference.
Speaker Policy *
I hereby consent to the Speaker Policy for the Scalar Conference.
Cooperation and commercial informations
I agree to receive emails/with cooperation and commercial informations from the Organizer regarding the Scalar Conference in accordance with Polish Electronic Service Providing Act (Ustawa z dnia 18 lipca 2002 roku o świadczeniu usług drogą elektroniczną Dz. U. 2002 Nr 144 Poz. 1204).
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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