Panelist Nomination: Child representative for the interactive panel of UNGA High-Level Meeting on the 25th Anniversary of the CRC
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Selection criteria
-Affiliation with a child rights or child-focused organization or network with the ability to speak on behalf of such a group is desirable.
-Nominee is actively engaged with other children in groups that support peer-to-peer learning about child rights (e.g. experience participating in child rights trainings or related activities at community level).
-Nominee has a passion for a particular child rights issue.
-Age range: 12-15 years old
-From a developing country

NGO submitting nomination *
Contact name and e-mail of submitter *
Full legal name of child nominee *
Organization/NGO/network that child nominee is affiliated with *
Website of organization that child nominee is affiliated with
Child's nationality *
Child's country of residence *
Child's gender *
Child's age on birth certificate *
Languages child nominee speaks fluently *
Is child nominee from a marginalized or disadvantaged group? If yes, which one?
Child nominee's e-mail (if applicable)
Rational for selection: How does child nominee meet the criteria stated above? *
Innovation: has child nominee been involved in innovative ways of addressing children's rights?
Child nominee's biography *
Please provide a short biography or online link to a biography of child nominee
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