Forbes' 2025 Users Most Trusted Crypto Exchanges Survey
Forbes seeks to identify the most reliable crypto exchanges and investing platforms globally. 

Please complete the following short survey by Monday, December 9, 2024, at 5 p.m. U.S. ET. 

All responses will be displayed in aggregate form.

Email *
COUNTRY OF RESIDENCE. In what country did you reside a majority of the past 12 months? *
LANGUAGE PREFERENCE. Please indicate if you are an English speaker or prefer a different language. Check all that apply. *
CRYPTO INVOLVEMENT. How many years ago did you first invest in crypto?  *
MOST TRUSTED CRYPTO PROVIDER. Which crypto exchange or crypto marketplace do you find most trustworthy? Check one or write the name in the box provided if not on the list. *
RECOMMENDATION - How likely is it that you will recommend this crypto provider to friends or family? Check only one.  *
MOST IMPORTANT FEATURE - What is the most important feature of this crypto provider to you? Check only one. *
LENGTH OF USE.  How long have you had a funded crypto wallet at your most trusted provider? Check only one. *
FEATURES. What features would you like improved or offered at your preferred crypto provider? Check all that apply. *
PRODUCTS USED. What products do you use at your preferred crypto provider? Check all that apply. *
CUSTODY. Do you keep your assets at the crypto provider or "self-custody" your crypto outside the crypto exchange? Check only one. *
MOST IMPORTANT CRYPTO. In which of these crypto investments do you have more than 20% of your crypto portfolio. Check all that apply. *
CRYPTO PORTFOLIO. What is the size of your crypto portfolio presently? Check one. *
BIGGEST RISKS. What are the biggest risks for crypto investors today that may impact you personally?  Check up to TWO choices. *
AGE. What is your age group? Check one. *
EDUCATION. What is the highest level of education you have achieved? Check only one. *
Would you like to receive crypto user survey results and related communications when these are completed? Check one.
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