Environmental Literacy Inquiry - For Grade 3-5 Teachers

Please complete the questions below to apply for the Environmental Literacy Inquiry.

Application Deadline is May 21, 2023. Participants will be notified of their selection by May 25, 2023.

Inquiry Includes:

  • 24 hours of training in environmental literacy over six Saturdays
  • $1,000 stipend
  • Hands-on teaching techniques connected to complex science concepts
  • Guest Speakers from local scientific and research experts
  • Elementary appropriate resources and lessons around environmental literacy

Applicants from South Bay and those who apply in teams of two from school sites will be given priority.

For questions, contact tara@sdchildrenandnature.org
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Email *
Name *
What school and district will you be working at in 2023-2024? *
Is this a Title 1 School? *
How many years have you been teaching? *
What grade will you be teaching in 2023-2024? *
If you are registering with a colleague, please provide their name.
Please share why you are interested in participating in this program? *
Describe your current experience with teaching outside.  *
I have read the expectations and am available and will plan to attend all six training sessions (including the first on June 3, 2023) barring any unforeseen circumstances and/or agree to a make up.

Sessions - 9am-1pm each Saturday listed :
June 3, September 23, November 4 (2023), January 20, March 16, April 20 (2024)

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