Root of the Gods: Participation Declaration

This form is to commit to your responsible participation in a Root of the Gods Event/Ceremony.

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Full Name *
Contact Email *
Do any of the below apply to you? *
If you answered 'yes' to any of the above - please provide further detail *

I, the undersigned, accept the conditions of participating in this session held by Root of the Gods and their team, and I declare that I am choosing to participate of my own free will. 

I have not been coerced into participating in sessions by the organisers or by any other person; the decision to participate is mine alone, and is based on my own personal assessment of the effects, the exclusion criteria, the potential risks and benefits, the focus of the session and the commitment of the people running it. 

I am aware that I am to answer all questions honestly during the screening process. I agree to provide all the relevant information about my medical history, my mental and physical health and any other information that may serve to protect my health during this  process.

I acknowledge that the information I provide to the organisers of this session is strictly confidential and will not be used without my approval for any other purpose than as described in the accompanying document. 

The person running the session has explained to me what to expect from the session and how it is intended to proceed. I am aware that I can ask questions about the session at any time and can change my mind about  attending at any time before the session begins.  

Once the session has started, I commit to not putting myself or other guests in the space under intentional harm. I understand and agree that I can be excluded from participation in a session at the discretion of the facilitator.  

I understand that I will receive a copy of this consent form. 

Today's Date *
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