Class size volunteer opportunities
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1/ Would you be willing to  attend a PEP meeting to protest school budget cuts and rising class sizes?


2/ Would you be willing to email through DOE comment line to urge Chancellor to provide specific funding for smaller classes & building new schools to make this possible?  (talking pts available);


3/Would you be willing to  attend a CEC/Citywide Council meeting where District Planning &/or School Construction Authority will be briefing parents, to ask them questions about their plan for reducing class size (we’ll have talking points)


4/Would you be willing to attend upcoming hearings on Mayoral control to emphasize that Mayoral control is a failed system, as evidenced by the Mayor’s continued cuts to school budgets and his refusal to comply with the class size law?


5/Would you be willing to urge your CEC/Citywide Council to pass a resolution on the need for the DOE to lower class size? (we will provide a sample one)


6/ Any other ideas of how you can help bring attention to this issue?  If so, please add them below.

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