Orcasound 2.0 feedback form
Please complete this survey once for each combination of device, operating system, & browser that you test. Thank you for answering as many questions as possible to help us fully understand your experience and improve Orcasound! 
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Email *
What type of device are you using to listen? *
What operating system are you using? *
What browser are you using? *
How easy was it to play live sound? *
If you heard sound, what was the quality of the listening experience?
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If you heard sound, did you report hearing anything interesting by pressing the button & describing what you heard?
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Do you plan to return to Orcasound in the future?
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Do you have any other thoughts, feedback, or ideas for Orcasound?
You can also check out the public Orcasound Roadmap to add or upvote feature requests, and/or submit more detailed bug reports or ideas via the Orcasound issues page on Github.
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