2023 GND Hub Survey of Needs

What is the GND Hub? It's an online platform and professional network for sharing resources and strategies across an international network of Green New Deal advocates. The Hub actively builds bridges between policy practitioners, grassroots organizations and activists to accelerate actions that advance climate, economic, and environmental justice through the sharing of ideas, funding opportunities, and strategies for coalition building, policy design and program implementation.

Purpose of this Survey: The purpose of this survey is to identify how to best support those working towards a Green New Deal or GND-aligned campaigns and policies given their current priorities, needs and challenges. We want to make the latest, most relevant, and most impactful networking spaces, resources, funding insights, and connections available to you. Your input is extremely helpful in identifying the most impactful ways we can be of service to GND efforts across the U.S. and even around the world!

Are there others in your network you think would benefit from being part of this network? Please share this survey with them. We will be sharing out our survey takeaways with all survey participants. 

Take the survey, win a fantastic book! Completed surveys will be entered into a drawing to receive one of two free copies of Andrew Boyd's new book on navigating the climate crisis with grief, hope and humor.

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2023 Green New Deal Hub's Survey of Needs
Part 1: What Green New Deal Means to You

This survey is divided into three short parts. Part 1 asks what "Green New Deal" means to you. Part 2 asks what kinds of informational news and resources may be helpful to you this year and next year. Similarly, Part 3 asks what kinds of hosted workshop/collaboration gatherings may be helpful to you this year and next year.
Name: *
Email: *


GND Affiliation *

What is your interest in a GND resource-sharing and networking space? (Eg. I am a housing policy expert and want to help coalitions address gentrification, or I am a member of a GND coalition in the Gulf South looking to connect with others in our region.)


Do you (or does your coalition/city/regional alliance) identify with the term “Green New Deal”? Why/why not?

Which of the following regions best matches your location? *

What core GND themes are you/is your GND locality or coalition most focused on? 


Briefly describe your GND efforts (eg. “We are an active coalition of 52 organizations that meet monthly on GND campaign priorities, our website is … and our focus for 2023 is housing affordability.”) These descriptions are helpful to help us connect you with relevant resources, experts, funding opportunities, and potential ally organizations.


Yes, I/we would like a summary of our efforts added to the interactive Green New Deal Map so that I can learn about other efforts, and they can learn about us! 

Check out the map here: https://www.gndcities.org/ 

Mapping Momentum: the Center's interactive map of GND Efforts Around the World
Mapping Momentum: the Center's interactive map of GND Efforts Around the World
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Part 2: Information, Networking & Resource-Sharing

Help us identify the kinds of information, news, opportunities, networking connections, and resources that would be helpful to your Green New Deal-aligned efforts this year and next year.

What is your level of networking interest?


Networking: With whom would you like to be better connected?

Resources: What kinds of resources or opportunities would be most helpful to supporting your work/GND efforts? 

Not needed
Somewhat needed
Definitely needed
Networking opportunities
Model policies and programs
Learning labs (workshop, learning + collaboration) spaces
1:1 conversations with GND Hub staff + follow up resources
Coalition building resources + toolkits
Info/networking for finding funding (federal, etc)
GND network news (federal updates, coalition updates)
Strategy and implementation resources/collaboration spaces
Access to Policy or Funding Databases
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(Optional) Resources to share! I/We have resources we would like to share with others working towards climate, economic and environmental justice! (Please provide a short description below.)

News & Updates: What recurring updates would be most valuable to you?  

Not interested
Somewhat interested
Very interested
News/successes from other GND cities and coalitions
Highlights of organizations with specific resources to share/technical expertise
Federal and GND funding opportunities
Model GND policies, programs, and models
GND events, workshops and learning spaces I/we can attend
Jobs and partnership opportunities
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News & Updates: Where do you prefer to get your GND/climate news and updates?

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Part 3: Learning Labs & Collaboration Spaces

What is a Learning Lab? Members of our GND Resource Hub have expressed interest in participating in a series of “Learning Labs” that bring together GND advocates, activists, planners, officials, and policymakers in a collaborative, supportive "how-to" space where we can share insights and learn from each other. A "Learning Lab" is a structured online workshop and networking space that would focus on specific topics related to GND organizing, policy, funding, or implementation and walk through various implemented examples or tools with practitioners. Learning Labs would feature network updates and delve into the specific topic with a variety of speakers sharing both relevant opportunities or resources, and their lived experiences in advocating, with ample time for questions, brainstorming and co-creation through online tools like Jamboard.
When it comes to GND advocacy, what are you proud of building so far? What are some specific goals you still want to achieve through your GND efforts? (Eg. legislative achievements, building broad alliances, identifying priorities, getting funded)
Are there any current challenges to your organizing, advocacy, or policy work that you would like to have discussions about/receive resources & insights on through the GND Hub? (If yes, please describe.)
What discussion topics would be most helpful in supporting your advocacy/policy work? (Details help us craft the most relevant and impactful networking and workshop opportunities.)
Would you be interested in sharing your insights and experience on particular topics or strategies? (Presenter honorariums are provided. If yes, please describe the topics/strategies.)
Are there any specific organizations, cities, alliances, or speakers you'd be interested in learning from or connecting with through the GND Hub? (If so, what do you want to learn from them most?)
Learning Lab & Collaboration Spaces. What types of collaboration spaces and platforms are exciting and accessible/easy to use for you?
Exciting & Accessible!
Exciting, Not Accessible
Not Exciting, but Accessible
Not Exciting or Accessible
Zoom Workshops
Hybrid in-person livestream events
Youtube/Facebook livestreams (with chat)
Slack (desktop/mobile app)
Twitter group
Google groups/Google spaces (listserv, shared folders)
Other (please specify below)
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Any final thoughts to share? Feel free to use this space (or email info@climatejusticecenter.org) to share any questions, comments, feedback, or ideas.
I have completed the survey questions and I am interested in being entered into the book giveaway! Book details here.
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Thanks for your feedback!
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