Eventuellt offentliggörande av ditt namn, roll och bild kan ske i samband med festivalen inom ramen av våra nätverksmöten som paneler, speed dating etc.
Om du har några frågor vänligen kontakta oss via
scaniasounds@gmail.com .
Here you can apply for accreditation for Scania Sounds 2023. The accreditation is free of cost, valid for one person and gives you access to both the conference and the festival. If more then one person from your organisation is interested, separate applications are required.
By accrediting to Scania Sounds you are agreeing to let us store your information. We do not give out information to third parties without consent.
The festival may in some cases use your name, role and picture for information in regards to events such as panels, speed dating etc.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via scaniasounds@gmail.com.