2024 Family Physician of the Year -Nominations
The New York State Academy of Family Physicians is seeking nominations for the 2024 FAMILY PHYSICIAN OF THE YEAR.

Each year the New York State Academy of Family Physicians awards one family physician the title of "Family Physician of the Year” for New York State on the basis of outstanding service to patients and community, and devotion to Family Practice. The only other requirement is that nominees be members in good standing of the New York State Academy of Family Physicians (NYSAFP/AAFP).

Individuals are encouraged to send letters of nomination to the New York State Academy describing why their family physician should receive the Family Physician of the Year Award. This allows patients to recognize the excellent services provided to them by their family physician. PLEASE encourage others to submit a nomination using this form! More nominations = more information for evaluators.

The Family Physician of the Year for New York will also be nominated for the American Academy of Family Physicians’ Family Physician of the Year Award.

The physician for New York State will be honored during the NYSAFP Annual Meeting May 11-19 at the Congress of Delegates.

Nomination letters should be received by April 15.
Please note, we may use the text of your nomination in our publications to honor the Family Physician of the Year.

If you have any questions, please call 518.489.8945 x2

Thank you for helping us recognize outstanding family physicians!
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Name of Physician you are nominating *
Please tell us why you want to nominate this family physician. The more detailed and personal (without violating any HIPAA rules, please!) the better. Tell us why this family doctor is YOUR family doctor. What makes them special? How do they make you feel as a patient?
Anything additional that you would like to say?
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