Title I Needs Assessment for Parents 2022-2023
Please complete the form below. Required fields marked *
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How often do you communicate with your child's teacher(s)? *
What means of communication do you prefer to keep you informed of the latest happenings at child's school? *
Do you have any suggestions to increase parent involvement? *
My child's school provides a safe, clean environment for teaching and learning. *
I am able to communicate easily with my child's teacher. *
I understand my child's grades, report cards, and  assessment scores. *
I would utilize a Parent Resource Center at my child's school. *
I have read the school Title I Parent Involvement Policy and Student Compact on the district website under Title I. *
Do you wish to be contacted by someone at the school to discuss any of this information further? If yes, please fill out the following questions. *
Parent Contact Information (Name) *
Phone *
Email *
What grade is your child in? If multiple, select more than one. *
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