Apply for a Convention Stipend for Professional Journalists
Thanks to support from the AAJA Seattle 30th Anniversary Fund for Mid-Career Journalists and chapter fundraising, we are able to offer stipends to support Seattle chapter professional journalists who want to attend the 2024 AAJA Convention in Austin, Texas.

If you are an AAJA Seattle chapter member and a professional journalist, you are eligible to apply for up to $1,200 in support to attend the 2024 AAJA Convention in Austin, from Aug. 7-10, 2024. 

The application deadline is July 5 by 5 pm, and awards will be announced by July 8, 2024.

Please note, if you receive a stipend and do NOT attend convention, you will need to return the stipend to AAJA Seattle. 

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First Name *
Last Name *
Title *
Organization *
Are you an AAJA Seattle Chapter Member? *
If you are not an AAJA member, you can join at the link below:
Email address *
Phone *
Mailing Address *
Professional Website / Portfolio (you can also attach a link to PDFs)
Why do you want to attend the 2023 AAJA Convention? (400 words max) *
Do you have support from your employer to attend the 2023 AAJA Convention? *
If you receive this stipend, will you be able to cover any remaining costs to attend convention? *
If you receive a stipend, will you be willing to share your learnings with chapter members? *
If you have questions, contact us at
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