Membership Application For Cotswold Hospital Radio
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Email Address *
Telephone (Home)
Type N/A if no home number
Telephone (Mobile)
Type N/A if no mobile number
Date of Birth

How did you hear about Cotswold Hospital Radio?


Do you have any connection with any other or former members of Cotswold Hospital Radio?


Why do you wish to join Cotswold Hospital Radio?


Have you ever done any voluntary work before? (experience is not required, but if you have any particular experience to bring to us this is useful to know)

Which Roles would you be suited to?
(Fundraising and Ward Visiting are Mandatory Roles (Terms & Conditions Apply)
Evening which you are available to volunteer between 6-9pm
I would be able to visit patients in *
Declaration by all volunteers:  Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence or been the subject to a Caution or a Bound Over Order?
If yes please state the nature and date(s) of the offence:
You agree to abide by the Terms and Conditions of Membership *
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