Welcome to the Colleton County Fire-Rescue and Sheriff's Office "Are you OK?" (R.U.O.K.) Program.
R.U.O.K. is a free service that makes daily phone calls to elderly and/or frail citizens that do not otherwise have a friend or family member check on them daily.  Calls are made automatically at or around 10 AM daily.  In the event that an answering machine or voicemail answers the call or there is no answer, the Colleton County Sheriff's Office will make follow-up phone calls to the registrant, emergency contacts, and/or keyholders to check on the well-being of the registrant.  The Sheriff's Office will assign a law enforcement officer to conduct a welfare check on the registrant if no contact can be made.  To ensure that this is not necessary, you should ensure that you are available to answer the phone call at or around 10 AM daily.

It is very important that you give us as much information as you can, so we can assist you. Please be sure to give us Emergency Contacts and Keyholder information in case we can’t reach you. Make sure your Contacts and Keyholders know you are participating in our program. Emergency Contacts should be nearby friends or relatives who would know your whereabouts, such as Doctor appointments, or if you would be out of town, etc. A Keyholder is someone you have entrusted with a key to your home, and has your permission to enter and check on you, if need be. If you wish, you may share with us the location of a hidden key, if you have one, which emergency personnel could use if needed. Key information is voluntary, and as with all other information provided, will be kept strictly confidential.
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