Life Groups help people grow in their faith and build community.
Our groups take place on Wednesday nights at 6:30pm. The following groups will be kicking off on October 25, 2017. Use this form to find a group that's right for you. We'd love to have you join us!
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Soul Keeping - Led by Greg Stevens - Worship Center
In Soul Keeping, John Ortberg helps Christians rediscover their soul - the best connection to God there is – and find out why it’s hurting and why neglecting it has set so many believers so far back spiritually. In this six-session video-based small group Bible study, Ortberg shows that caring for your soul is necessary for your Christian life. John shows participants what your soul is, why it is important, how to assess your soul’s health, and how to care for it so that we can have a meaningful and beautiful life with God and others. Greg Stevens will lead each session in discussion and application.
Leading From Here to There: Five Essential Skills - Led by Pastor Joe Payne - Room 201
Bestselling author and pastor Bill Hybels helps equip leaders with five key skills that everyone needs in order to grow their leadership ability. Each of the video sessions will feature Hybels sharing the wisdom and experience that he has learned in nearly 40 years of leadership at Willow Creek Community Church in South Barrington, Illinois. Hybels will help leaders discover what kind of leader they are, how to gain self-awareness and relational awareness, how to build an effective team, and how to form and declare a vision. Pastor Joe will lead the discussion and application time for each session. Pre-registration is requested.
Sharing Group - Led by Trish Vandeven - Family Life Center
This class uses the discipline and skill of making crafts to bring devotional and spiritual principles together through study, fellowship, and creativity. The group will have a different craft each week.
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In addition to Adult Life Groups, we have ministry programming for birth through high school. So bring the whole family!
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