Planning for Yamim Noraim – Tishrei 5781 - September 2020
Beit Haknesset “Emek Refaim” (Yael)

In light of the current complex situation regarding the Corona pandemic, the Va’ad is beginning preparations for tefillot for Rosh Hashannah and Yom Kippur this coming September.
In all cases, tefillot will be conducted in accordance with any instructions of the Ministry of Health that will be in force such as social distancing, limits on numbers, wearing of masks, etc.
To help us plan, we ask that all members of the community answer the questionnaire below. Your answers do not commit you to anything. You can still change your mind. Please note that this form is not in itself a way to order seats. It is only to provide us with information to help us plan.

Thank you for your help.

Vaad Beit Haknesset "Emek Refaim"

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Name *
Phone Number *
Email address *
Do you expect to attend tefillot within the framework of “Beit Knesset Emek Refaim” (Yael) community?   *
If you answered "yes" to the above question, please continue to answer the following questions:
From my family the number of men I expect to attend:
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From my family the number of women I expect to attend:
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Please check one of the following:
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I would be interested in attending an early tefillah (6.00 a.m.)
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I would be interested in attending a late tefillah (9.00 a.m.)
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Please add any additional information or comments:
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