RSVP: Sac State's Education Specialist Information Sessions for 2025 cohorts
RSVP to join our live virtual info sessions to learn more about the our Education Specialist Credential + MAT (Master of Arts in Teaching) programs. Only those that attend live will have the opportunity to ask questions of program coordinators during the session. 

Can’t participate in our virtual info sessions at the appointed time? Never fear! These virtual info sessions will be recorded. To view the recording, simply register now and you will receive an email with a link to the recording when it is ready to be viewed.
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Email *
Name (First & Last) *
Best phone number to reach you at: *
Which Info session do you plan on attending: *
What education specialist program(s) are you interested in? Check all that apply. *
Please share any accommodation request for this event so that we can ensure the zoom meeting is accessible for everyone.
Comments? Questions?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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