Come join us and explore how you can exercise leadership to collaboratively foster the growth of meaningful organisations

March 19-22, 2025

For more details about the workshop please check

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Email *
First name *
Last name *
Preferred title *
Phone number
Company/Organization name
Please select your ticket type *
The participation/tuition fee includes CHF 300 for meals (lunches and dinners), coffee breaks and room rental for the seminar.
Preferred Accommodation *
Room prices include breakfast. Most rooms are in the Chateau, some are at 300m walking distance from the main building. Room choices are subject to availability. 
We will book the room for you and you will pay it to the venue directly upon arrival.
Would you like to receive a printed workbook at the workshop? (30 CHF each) *
 You will in any case receive a PDF in both languages shortly beforehand.
How did you hear about this workshop?
This is of interest to us as the workshop's reputation has drawn participants from networks we did not know about - but perhaps should!
Looking forward to meeting you!
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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