Black Lives Matter at school  Week of Action
BLM recognizes the Impact of mass incarceration, poverty, unaffordable housing, income disparity, homophobia, unjust immigration laws, gender inequality, and poor access to healthcare. All of these injustices exist in the intersection of  race, class, and gender. These injustices continue to exist in the Boston Public schools. That's why the BLM week of action is important. If society continues to marginalize, murder, and devalue Black and Brown lives, then America will never reach its fullest potential.  
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Yes! I________________________ Pledge to participate in BTU's Black Lives Matter week of action Feb 4th -8th 2019 *
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Please chose Activities you will be participating in during the week. *
I COMMIT TO :Empower each other AND Empower MY students. BY Actively engaging the truth and never being afraid to share it. LASTLY, I WILL Empower those that are marginalized and mistreated. *
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