R You Coming to ATFE - Call for Presentations

Dear Colleagues in the Association for Theological Field Education:

Your Steering Committee is pleased to announce the theme “R You Coming to ATFE” for our 37th Biennial Consultation to be held at the YMCA of the Rockies in Colorado January 24th – 27th, 2023.  After the two plus years of a global pandemic and the need to shift and adapt to respond, your Steering Committee felt it would be a good opportunity to gather in person to Rest and Relax, explore how we have been Resilient, Reconnect with one another and Re-envision and Reinvent Field Education for new horizons.
We invite you to help with this planning and to think about the possibilities for your own participation as we gather.  This letter is a call for proposed break-out sessions.  We encourage you to propose a break-out session that fits within one of the three major categories of the gathering.  Think broadly and build your presentation on any aspect of our work as theological field educators.  What is important to you, or challenging to you, or inspiring to you that you might want to share with us in a session?  What have you discovered in your own work that might prove resourceful for us all?  What direction do you think we might want to consider taking in our work as a community of practice?  

Please complete this form by October 15, 2022. All proposals will be received gratefully and considered appreciatively.  

Break-out sessions can be fit under any of the three main categories:
1. Rest and Renewal
2. Resilience and Reconnect
3. Re-envision and Reinvent

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R You Coming to ATFE? R You Coming to the Rockies for a little R&R?
Your Name *
Title/Institution: *
Your Preferred email address: *
Names, email addresses and institutional roles of an co-leaders/co-facilitators: *
What do you propose as the title for your session? *
Under which category would your session be found? *
Please see the session formats below and let us know which format fits best with your program: *
Captionless Image
Name the Outcomes for your session (ie: what ATFE members will know how to do after having participated in your session). *
Name the Methods or Activities used in your session (ie: what you will do in the session to meet the outcomes you named above). *
Resources needed (ie: space, tech, etc.) *
What readings or resources accompany your session? (Please provide a bibliography here.) *
What if anything should your participants plan to bring (ie: If you are leading a reflective hike through the park make sure to explain what they should wear/pack). *
In no more than 150 words, please provide a short description of your session for the conference program. *
How do you plan to evaluate your session? *
Any other information you would like to provide. *
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